Job Opportunities

DIR-ACE Technology Ltd., (DAT) is a joint-venture company between Daiwa Institute of Research and ACE Data Systems. The company was founded in 2013 with the recognition to support the system construction and IT services for the establishment of Capital Market Development in Myanmar. DAT has been developing information systems for Japanese customers in Japan, and financial organizations in Myanmar.

For several challenging offshore Projects from Japan, DAT is looking for Executive Manager with the following requirements:

Location: Yangon, Myanmar

Salary: Depends on experience

Japanese Level: Business Level (JLPT Level N1/N2)


  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Information Technology, Computer Science, or related fields.
  • Master of Business Administration (Preferable)

Mandatory Skills:

  • Over 10 continuous working experiences in the field of software development, in which at least 5 years working as a management level
  • Strong in reporting via email or meeting with Japanese clients and management
  • Excellent communication, collaboration & interpersonal skills with Japanese style business manner
  • Proven success in a managerial role
  • Strong decision-making ability
  • Proven ability to develop and achieve financial plans
  • Ability to motivate and lead employees, and hold them accountable
  • Strong working knowledge of operational procedures
  • Have experience working in Japan IT company in Japan/Myanmar

Job Description:

  • Responsible for overseeing a company’s offshore project operations, strategic planning, and decision-making, including allocating resources, managing stakeholder relations, and ensuring alignment with organizational goals through effective communication and leadership.
  • Leading large teams of developers, coordinating with onshore/offshore stakeholders, and optimizing offshore delivery processes to meet client expectations and business goals.


DAT not only provides warm and happy family-like work environment but also presents challenging opportunities to its employees so that they can realize their utmost potential and professionalism while working happily.

Interested candidates shall send their resumes to the following address:

DIR-ACE Technology Ltd.

3rd Floor, Building 17, MICT Park,

Hlaing Township, Yangon.



DIR-ACE Technology Ltd.,(DAT)は、大和総研と ACE Data Systems の合弁会社です。当社は、ミャンマーでの資本市場開拓に関してシステム構築と IT サービスをサポート
することを目標として 2013 年に設立されました。 DAT は日本の顧客やミャンマーの金 融機関のために情報システムを開発しています。
日本より挑戦的なオフショアプロジェクトのため、以下の資格をお持ちしているブリッ ジ・シニアソフトウェアエンジニアを募集しています。


所在地   : 東京、日本
給与       : 経験による
日本語レベル: ビジネスレベル (JLPT N1、または相当資格)


• 情報技術、コンピューターサイエンス、関連分野の理学士または相当資格。


•ソフトウェア開発分野で 3~6 年間の継続的な経験、殊に日本の顧客との BSE として最低 2 年の経験がある方
• 日本の顧客やミャンマーの経営陣にとのメールや会議における優れたス キルがある方
• プロジェクト管理、計画、強い責任感を持っている方
• 日本のビジネスマナーを優れたコミュニケーション能力と対人スキルが ある方
• 日本の IT 企業で働いた経験がある方
• ミャンマー出身である方


• OOP、Java、C/C++、…または任意のプログラミング言語の実践的な経験 と知識
• 高品質で顧客志向の考え方
• 分析要件、基本設計、詳細設計の作成の経験がある方
• 詳細主義とマルチタスクスキル
• 日本とミャンマーのビジネスチャンスを結び付ける能力


•日本のクライアント (DIR) とヤンゴンのプロジェクトチーム(DAT)の間 でブリッジとして、プロジェクトに関連するすべての事項に取り組む。
• 日本のクライアントと協力して、すべてのプロジェクト情報と必要な資 料を取得し、ヤンゴンのプロジェクト作業チームに提供する。
• 日本のクライアントのニーズを把握し、良好なビジネス関係を維持する。
• リスクを分析し、効果的に評価し、進捗状況を報告し、プロジェクトの 品質、期限、クライアントからの期待を持続する。
• 日本のクライアントとのやり取り、Q&A、プロジェクトで発生する問題 や課題を解決するためのブリッジ役を務める。
• プロジェクトの要件に応じて日本で勤務する。

DAT は、暖かく幸せな家族のような職場環境を提供するだけでなく、楽しく働きながら 自分の最大限見込かつプロフェッショナリズムを実感できるように、従業員にチャレンジングな機会を提供しています。興味のある方は、以下の住所まで履歴書をお届け下さい。


Job Opportunities

DIR-ACE Technology Ltd., (DAT) is a joint-venture company between Daiwa Institute of Research and ACE Data Systems. The company was founded in 2013 with the recognition to support the system construction and IT services for the establishment of Capital Market Development in Myanmar. DAT has been developing information systems for Japanese customers in Japan, and financial organizations in Myanmar. For several challenging offshore Projects from Japan, DAT is looking for Bridget Senior Software Engineer with following requirements:

Location: Tokyo, Japan
Salary: Depends on experience
Japanese Level: Business Level (JLPT Level 1 or N1)


• Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Information Technology, Computer Science, or related fields.


Mandatory Skills:
• 3 to 6 continuous working experiences in the field of software development, in which at least 2 years working as BSE with Japanese customer
• Strong in reporting via email or meeting with Japanese clients/to management in Myanmar
• Strong in project management, planning and high responsibility
• Excellent communication & interpersonal skills with Japanese style business manner
• Have experience working in Japan IT company in Japan
• Myanmar native


Preferable Skills:
• Hand-on experiences & knowledge in OOP, Java, C/C++… or any programming language
• High quality & customer-oriented mindset
• Experienced in analysis requirement, basic design, and detail design writing
• Attention to detail and multi-tasking skills
• Ability to connecting business chances between Japan and Myanmar


Job Description:
• Working as a bridge in communication between Japanese client (DIR) and Project team in Yangon (DAT) on all project-related matters.
• Work with Japanese client to get all project information, required documents and convey to the project working team in Yangon
• Understand the Japanese client’s needs and maintain a good business relationship with them
• Need to analyze risks, evaluate effectiveness, report progress, and ensure project quality, deadlines, expectation from client
• Act as a bridge to exchange with Japanese client, Q&A, have solutions to solve problems arising in the project, and problems
• Working in Japan according to project requirements

DAT not only provides warm and happy family-like work environment but also presents challenging opportunities to its employees so that they can realize their utmost potential and professionalism while working happily. Interested candidates shall send their resumes to the following address:
DIR-ACE Technology Ltd.


3rd Floor, Building 17, MICT Park,
Hlaing Township, Yangon.

Join DAT’s Intensive OJT Program – Open for New Candidates Quarterly!

If you are looking to enhance your technical skills and prepare yourself for a successful career in the IT industry, the DAT In-house OJT program offers the perfect opportunity.

The program includes:

  • Fundamentals of Web Development and Frameworks
  • Problem-Solving Techniques
  • Introduction to Project Management, WBS and Critical Path Analysis
  • SDLC Concepts and Mini CRUD Projects
  • Application of Advanced Software Engineering Concepts
  • Full Project Development (SDLC)
  • Employment Opportunities and Professional Networks
Key Benefits You Will Gain:
  • Hands-on experience working on real-world projects
  • Comprehensive skill development in Spring Framework, OOP concepts, Data Structure & Algorithm, Database management, Design specifications, Office automation, and basic Linux commands
  • Understanding of Project Management, WBS and Critical Path Analysis
  • Enhanced teamwork and communication skills
  • Exposure to industry standards, including Japanese standards
  • Proficiency in documentation and testing practices
  • Potential employment opportunities and connections with professional networks

Interested candidates are encouraged to send their resumes to the following address:

    • DIR-ACE Technology Ltd.
    • 3rd Floor, Building 17, MICT Park,
    • Hlaing Township, Yangon.
    • Email    :
    • Subject : Apply for Intensive OJT Program
    • Phone   : 01-521127

Job Opportunities

DIR-ACE Technology Ltd. (DAT) is a joint-venture company between Daiwa Institute of Research and ACE Data Systems. The company was founded in 2013 with the recognition to support the system construction and IT services for the establishment of Capital Market Development in Myanmar. DAT has been developing information systems for Japanese customers in Japan, and financial organizations in Myanmar.

For several challenging offshore Projects from Japan, DAT is looking for Junior Developers with following requirements:

  1. At least 1 year software application
  2. Willing to work any programming language
  3. Have responsibilities to do not only code development also troubleshooting, debugging, maintaining and improving existing software as required by the customers
  4. Must know and develop technical documentation to guide future software development projects
  5. Understanding software development life cycle using Agile or Waterfall
  6. Having a high Team spirit and can work under pressure
  7. Strong work ethics and motivation
  8. Japanese Language Proficiency (not mandatory, preferable)

DAT not only provides warm and happy family-like work environment but also presents challenging opportunities to its employees so that they can realize their utmost potential and professionalism while working happily.

Interested candidates shall send their resumes to the following address:

DIR-ACE Technology Ltd.

3rd Floor, Building 17, MICT Park,

Hlaing Township, Yangon.


  • Job Requirements

    • Responsible for working in a specified duty assign system, security and Network operation center environment.
    • Monitor System, Network and security alerts using Monitoring system.
    • Document and report on system, network and information security issues.
    • Escalate issues to relevant teams based on the SOP & Escalation Matrix.
    • Provide Incident Response (IR) support when analysis confirms actionable incident.
    • Perform Daily/Weekly/Monthly activities as per the SOP.
    • Provide analysis and trending of security log data by using monitoring tools.
    • Perform threat and vulnerability analysis using the VA tool.
    • Perform monthly OS patching.
    • Perform and monitor scheduled/Ad hoc backups.
    • Integrate and share information with other analysts and other teams.
  • Required Qualifications, Skills and Attributes

    • Responsible for working in a specified duty assign system, security and Network operation center environment.
    • Bachelor’s degree/Diploma in a related field or equivalent demonstrated experience and knowledge 1-2 years’ experience of working in IT field.
    • Knowledge of various security methodologies and processes, and technical security solutions (firewall).
    • Familiarity of TCP/IP Protocols, network analysis, network/security applications and operating systems like windows, Linux (Red hat), Virtualization Technology (VMware).
    • Proficient in Microsoft Office Applications.
    • Ability to multi-tasks, prioritize, and manage time effectively.
    • Excellent customer service skills.


DAT not only provides warm and happy family-like work environment but also presents challenging opportunities to its employees so that they can realize their utmost potential and professionalism while working happily.

Career Opportunities:

Please apply here for the SOC Engineer position, and your application will be submitted to

Enter your name, email address and Applied Position with message.

Job Requirements

  • requires at least Three of recent experience in application development using JAVA framework like JSF.
    and Spring MVC
  • experience in developing web-based applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, and NodeJS
  • working experience and knowledge on Web and application servers like Apache and JBoss
  • experience with Hibernate, JPA, and Mybatis
  • strong technical knowledge on query language
  • experience in analyzing logs for troubleshooting java application issues from server side.
  • experience in version control systems (Git and SVN)
  • strong Debugging and Troubleshooting skills.
  • full life cycle experience in requirement analysis, design, development, testing, deployment and support
  • good team player with the ability to work independently with minimal supervision.
  • knowledge of writing Shell scripting for system automation


  • Have Japanese Language Skill for communication (JLPTN3)

DAT not only provides warm and happy family-like work environment but also presents challenging opportunities to its employees so that they can realize their utmost potential and professionalism while working happily.

Career Opportunities:

Please apply here for the senior Java Developer position, and your application will be submitted to

Enter your name, email address and Applied Position with message.

Job Requirements

  • At least 3 years’ experience of system development with any programming language and especially in Java web application, Angular, Spring framework.
  • At least 1 year experience of leading a team of minimum five members.
  • Strong leading skills for the project and make SDLC (Requirement definition, Design, coding, testing, Implementation
  • Strong work ethics and motivation
  • Team spirit
  • Japanese Language Proficiency (not mandatory, preferable)


  • Computer / Information Technology (Software)

DAT not only provides warm and happy family-like work environment but also presents challenging opportunities to its employees so that they can realize their utmost potential and professionalism while working happily.

Career Opportunities:

Please apply here for the senior Software Engineer Leader position, and your application will be submitted to

Enter your name, email address and Applied Position with message.

Job Requirements

  • At least 2 to 3 years software application
  • Willing to work any programming language.
  • Have responsibilities to do not only code development also troubleshooting, debugging, maintaining and improving existing software as required by the customers
  • Must know and develop technical documentation to guide future software development projects.
  • Understanding software development life cycle using Agile or Waterfall
  • Having a high Team spirit and can work under pressure.
  • Strong work ethics and motivation
  • Japanese Language Proficiency (not mandatory, preferable)


  • Computer / Information Technology (Software)

DAT not only provides warm and happy family-like work environment but also presents challenging opportunities to its employees so that they can realize their utmost potential and professionalism while working happily.

Career Opportunities:

Please apply here for the senior Developer position, and your application will be submitted to

Enter your name, email address and Applied Position with message.

Job Description

  • Translation between Japanese to English (and vice versa) and as Bridge SE between Japan and offshore.
  • Coordinate with Japan counterpart, involved in training/acquire knowledge and transfer to offshore team.
  • Implementation and support of offshore projects.
  • To perform translation of documents from Japanese to English, and vice-versa as needed in the projects.
  • To act as a Bridge between Japan and other teams requiring English and Japanese communication support.
  • To attend meetings, take down minutes and do interpretations when necessary.
  • To produce Japanese and/or English reports or documents as needed in the project.
  • To provide full coordination of any technical or non-technical project activities and processes.
  • To perform other related tasks as may be assigned by the manager.


  • Any bachelor’s degree holder, prefer bachelor’s degree holder in Japanese.
  • JLPT N1-N2 passer
  • At least 2 years of translation and interpretation experience
  • Hardworking and can manage work schedule to meet deadlines.
  • Has stable internet connection to do WFH.


  • Having experience and knowledge in information technology


  • Computer / Information Technology (Software)

DAT not only provides warm and happy family-like work environment but also presents challenging opportunities to its employees so that they can realize their utmost potential and professionalism while working happily.

Career Opportunities:

Please apply here for Japanese Translator position, and your application will be submitted to

Enter your name, email address and Applied Position with message.

Job Requirements

  • Solid understanding of programming concepts and strong in procedural programming logic.
  • Experienced in C development (structures, pointers, memory handling, etc.).
  • Well understand, can follow the development standards, and can develop source code based on design specifications.
  • Basic knowledge on using Tera Term terminal emulator and Linux commands.
  • Unix/Linux shell scripting skill is good to have.
  • Have responsibilities to do not only code development but also troubleshooting, debugging, maintaining, and improving existing software as required by the customers.
  • Must know and develop technical documentation to guide future software development projects.
  • Understanding software development life cycle using Agile or Waterfall.
  • Having a high Team spirit and can work under pressure.
  • Must follow instructions and assignments from PM and seniors.
  • Strong work ethics and motivation.
  • Japanese Language Proficiency (not mandatory, preferable).


  • Computer / Information Technology (Software)

DAT not only provides warm and happy family-like work environment but also presents challenging opportunities to its employees so that they can realize their utmost potential and professionalism while working happily.

Career Opportunities:

Please apply here for the C Developer position, and your application will be submitted to

Enter your name, email address and Applied Position with message.